Reports produced either entirely by CHE or in collaboration with other organizations.

cover of Mind, Disrupted

Mind, Disrupted: How Toxic Chemicals May Change How We Think and Who We Are, 2010

The Mind, Disrupted Biomonitoring Project asks: What role might environmental toxins play in undermining healthy development of the brain and nervous system? How might certain environmental pollutants exacerbate the health conditions of those who already have a learning, developmental or behavioral disorder?

This report, developed in collaboration with the Commonweal Biomonitoring Project, the Environmental Health Fund and Alaska Community Action on Toxics, spotlights these pressing questions and inspires prompt actions to reduce exposures that may impair how we think—and, in the most basic ways, who we are.

cover of Girl, Disrupted

Girl, Disrupted, 2009

This report summarizes the key outcomes of the Women's
Reproductive Health and the Environment Workshop
held in January 2008. The scientific results of the workshop were  published in Fertility and Sterility: Female reproductive disorders: the roles of endocrine disrupting compounds and developmental timing.

cover of Hormone Disruptors and Women's Health

Hormone Disruptors and Women's Health: Reasons for Concern, 2009

2 versions:

This report summarizes the key outcomes of the Women's Reproductive Health and the Environment Workshop held in January 2008.

cover of Radiation and Cancer

Radiation and Cancer: A Need for Action, 2009

This report summarizes the evidence connecting various types of radiation and cancer, with a call for public policy measures to mitigate unnecessary and involuntary exposures.

cover of Agriculture and Cancer

Agriculture and Cancer: A Need for Action, 2008

This work documents that a variety of substances either
created by or used in agricultural practices may
increase cancer risk.