A Story of Health

A Story of Health is the product of an ongoing collaboration between the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR); the Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE); the University of California, San Francisco, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (UCSF PEHSU); the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California EPA (OEHHA); and the Science and Environmental Health Network (SEHN).

cover of A Story of Health

A Story of Health: full book
153 pages, 25 MB
See more, including the purposes and uses of this e-book, on our A Story of Health webpage.

A Story of Health: Brett's Story

A Story of Health: Brett's Story (Asthma)
60 pages, 16 MB

A Story of Health: Stephen's Story (Childhood Leukemia)

A Story of Health: Stephen's Story (Childhood Leukemia)
71 pages, 18 MB

A Story of Health: Amelia's Story (Learning Disabilities)  A Story of Health: Amelia's Story (Learning Disabilities)
56 pages, 16 MB

Healthy Environments Across Generations 

CHE partnered with the New York Academy of Medicine, AARP, the US Environmental Protection Agency, The Intergenerational School, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, The Whole Child Center, and Gray is Green, along with over 60 co-sponsors, to put on this event.
Healthy Environments Across Generations e-book Conference E-Book
From a 2012 meeting which focused on the impacts that multiple, interacting environments can have on health (including the socioeconomic, chemical, food, built, natural, and psychosocial environments) as well as intergenerational and creative approaches to improve public and planetary health

Publications from Toxipedia

In 2016 we integrated many of Toxipedia's resources into our educational materials. Below we provide two well-accessed e-resources published by Toxipedia. See more about our partnership with Toxipedia.

ToxipediaASmallDoseofToxicology A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals, 2nd Edition by Steven G. Gilbert explores the principles of toxicology by examining the health effects of common chemical agents. This edition is available only as an e-book.  
Milestones in Toxicology poster Milestones in Toxicology. This poster presentation examines the development of the discipline of toxicology and its influence on civilization by highlighting significant milestones and discoveries related to toxicology. Also available in Spanish and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).