
More than 1200 researchers, policy makers, health advocates, and interested individuals participate in CHE's topical listservs where informed conversations occur about environmental links to a range of diseases and disabilities and actions being taken to address these concerns.

We use the term “ScienceServ” to make explicit that our core work is serving up the best available science to share, digest, and spark constructive conversation among everyone who wants to join our table. We seek to catalyze prevention-focused initiatives, policies, and practices by fostering discussion and distributing science-based articles and reports.

The ScienceServs aim to create collaborative opportunities among researchers, advocates, public health professionals, patients, and healthcare providers.  We are committed to civility and mutual respect as we advance shared knowledge and understanding.

How to Join


This ScienceServ explores the emerging science linking chemical and other environmental factors to cancer. 

To join this group, choose "subscribe to this group" on the Google Groups page, or email checancer+subscribe@healthandenvironment.org.

Children's Environmental Health

This ScienceServ explores the promotion of children’s health through prevention of environmental exposures and other factors that undermine healthy development. 

To join this group, choose "subscribe to this group" on the Google Groups page, or email checeh+subscribe@healthandenvironment.org.

Climate and Planetary Issues

This ScienceServ explores the emerging science linking climate change, chemical contamination and other planetary health issues to a range of health outcomes. 

To join this group, choose "subscribe to this group" on the Google Groups page, or email checlimateplanetary+subscribe@healthandenvironment.org.

Electromagnetic Fields

This ScienceServ explores the emerging science on the health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). 

To join this group, choose "subscribe to this group" on the Google Groups page, or email cheemf+subscribe@healthandenvironment.org.

Environmental Health Science

This ScienceServ explores the emerging science on numerous environmental factors that contribute to a variety of human diseases. We understand that the basis of sound policy and action is updated and contextualized scientific knowledge, which must be disseminated and digested collectively.  

To join this group, choose "subscribe to this group" on the Google Groups page, or email chescience+subscribe@healthandenvironment.org.

Integrative Health

This ScienceServ explores the emerging science evaluating integrative (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies used by medical providers and patients facing illnesses linked to environmental exposures. Our discussion includes a balanced evaluation of such therapies and a discussion on how environmental surroundings can support health and resilience for those facing disease treatment. 

To join this group, choose "subscribe to this group" on the Google Groups page, or email cheintegrativehealth+subscribe@healthandenvironment.org.

Reproductive Health

This ScienceServ explores the emerging science investigating the impact environmental pollutants may have on fertility and reproductive health. 

To join this group, choose "subscribe to this group" on the Google Groups page, or email chereproductivehealth+subscribe@healthandenvironment.org.