EDC Strategies, YESS

Embryonic BPA Exposure Causes Liver Disease in Generations of Fish


December 8, 2022
1:30 pm US Eastern Time

In this webinar, Sourav Chakraborty of the University of North Carolina Greensboro discussed his new publication, Ancestral BPA Exposure Caused Defects in the Liver of Medaka for Four Generations.

Bisphenol A (commonly known as BPA) is one of the most widely produced chemicals in the world. It is used in hard plastics, food and beverage containers, receipts, dental sealants and more. BPA mimics estrogen activity, interfering with the hormonal systems of humans and other animals.

In this study, researchers found that when embryonic medaka fish were exposed to BPA, the grand-offspring developed fatty liver disease, as did two subsequent generations, without further exposure. Adult females were most affected.

Sarah Howard of Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies (HEEDS) moderated the discussion.

Featured Speaker

Sourav Chakraborty, M.S., is a Ph.D. candidate in the Bhandari laboratory at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. He completed his Master of Science degree in Biology from Southeast Missouri State University. His research is focused on mechanisms underlying the epigenetic inheritance of bisphenol A-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). He is taking molecular, cellular, transcriptome & methylome sequencing, and bioinformatic approaches to unravel epigenetic and genetic processes associated with the onset and progression of transgenerational NAFLD in medaka fish liver.

This webinar was sponsored by the EDC Strategies Partnership, which is co-chaired by Sharyle Patton (Commonweal Biomonitoring Resource Center), Jerry Heindel and Sarah Howard (Environmental Health Sciences' Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies HEEDS), Genon Jensen (Health and Environment Alliance, HEAL), and Kristin Schafer (Commonweal CHE, Collaborative on Health and the Environment). To see a full list of past calls and webinars related to EDCs and listen to or view recordings, please visit our partnership page.

This webinar was also part of the Young EDC Scientists Showcase (YESS) webinar series, sponsored by the Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies (HEEDS) Mentoring Working Group and coordinated by the Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE). This series features speakers in the early stages of their careers, such as PhD students, post-docs, and other early-career researchers who study endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
