CHE Alaska

Chemicals in Consumer Products: Science and Policy Actions to Eliminate Hazards

February 22, 2017
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

cheakbottlesofchemicalsA growing body of science has linked exposure to hazardous chemicals in common products to cancer, asthma and other chronic diseases. On this call, we will hear from representatives of two organizations that are leading the way in testing products for safety. They are also educating consumers, increasing retailer corporate responsibility for the safety of the products they sell, and promoting safer alternatives through research and policy.

On this call we discussed chemicals in consumer products.

Featured Speakers

MikeSchadeMike Schade, director of the Mind the Store Campaign will discuss what Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families found when they evaluated and rated the nation's top retailers on their progress in tackling toxic chemicals.



RebeccaMeuninckRebecca Meuninck, Deputy Director at the Ecology Center will talk about how their HealthyStuff.org team works to identify toxic chemicals in children's products, recommend ways to minimize exposure and redesign consumer products so they are safe.



This call was hosted by the CHE-AK Partnership. It lasted for 1 hour and was recorded for the call archive.