CHE Alaska

Protecting the Health of Alaskans and Our Future Generations through State Chemicals Policy Reform

April 6, 2011
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

Our nation’s chemical policy is badly outdated, legally allowing the proliferation of toxic chemicals linked to serious health and environmental problems in the products that we use each and every day. Increasingly, states are passing protective chemical policies to ban dangerous chemicals from children’s products and other consumer products. The Alaska State Legislature is currently considering a bill (SB 27; HB 63) that would ban the import of products containing toxic flame retardant chemicals known as PBDEs. If passed, Alaska would join a dozen other states that have stepped up to protect citizens from toxic threats.

This call was hosted by CHE-Alaska.

Featured Presenter

Joel A. Tickner, ScD, MSc, BA
Dr. Joel Tickner is Associate Professor in the Department of Community Health and Sustainability at the University of Massachusetts Lowell where he also directs the Chemicals Policy and Science Initiative at the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production. Dr.Tickner is a leading expert on chemicals regulation, regulatory science, and application of the precautionary principle and safer materials in science and policy. He was co-coordinator of the Wingspread Conference on the Precautionary Principle, co-editor of the book Protecting Public Health and the Environment:   Implementing the Precautionary Principle and editor of the book Precaution, Environmental Science, and Preventive Public Policy. Dr. Tickner holds a Masters of Science degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana and a Doctor of Science Degree from the Department of Work Environment at University of Massachusetts Lowell and for three years was an Environmental Protection Agency STAR Fellow.