Disinfectants Overkill: Antimicrobials and Reproductive Health

January 14, 2010
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

This CHE-Fertility and Reproductive Health Working Group call highlighted the recently released Women's Voices for the Earth report, Disinfectants Overkill, which outlines the health impacts associated with common antimicrobial chemicals and safer alternatives. Presenters discussed emerging disinfectants of concern including quaternary compounds and triclosan.

Featured Speakers

  • Erin Switalski, Executive Director, Women's Voices for the Earth
  • Alexandra Gorman Scranton, MS, Director of Science and Research, Women's Voices for the Earth
  • Patricia Hunt, PhD, Meyer Distinguished Professor, School of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University
  • Ann Blake, PhD, Environmental & Public Health Consulting

This call was moderated by Julia Varshavsky, CHE-Fertility Coordinator. Ted Schettler, MD, MPH, Science Director for CHE and the Science and Environmental Health Network, provided a brief science update at the beginning of the call.