Table Matters: How Industrial Animal Farms Impact Health and the Environment

July 15, 2008
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

American industrial animal farms contribute to major environmental and human health problems, according to a recent report from the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production. The two-year study outlines the negative impacts that the industrial farm animal production system has on public health, the environment, rural communities and animal welfare, and proposes some measures to reduce them.

Many CHE Partners joined us on Tuesday, July 15 for a call exploring this important subject. Among the topics the speakers discussed were hormones, pollution, and overuse of antibiotics.

Featured speakers included Robert Lawrence, MD, MPH, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, Health Policy, and International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (a primary sponsor of the Pew report),  David Wallinga, MD, MPA, Director of Food and Health at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, and Margaret Mellon, PhD, JD, Director of Food and the Environment at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The call was moderated by Steve Heilig, MPH, Director of Public Health and Education for the San Francisco Medical Society. The call lasted one hour and was recorded for archival purposes.