Right to Know - Right for Health: A Historic Joint Initiative of Major Canadian Health Organizations

April 23, 2008
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

Do you have a right to know if there are toxic or carcinogenic substances in the products you buy? In March of 2008, the Canadian Cancer Society, The Lung  Association, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada launched a major joint initiative to bring public attention and political action on environmental health hazards. The first major component: a call for the Canadian federal government to extend regulatory requirements for full ingredient labeling  - with hazard symbols where appropriate—to all consumer products.

On Wednesday, April 23, at 10am PT / 1pm ET, CHE held a discussion of this historic effort.

The call was moderated by Michael Lerner, President of Commonweal. We heard a science update on Bisphenol A from Pete Myers, PhD, CEO of Environmental Health Sciences. The call lasted one hour, and will be recorded for archival purposes.

Featured Speakers

  • Pete Myers, CEO, Environmental Health Sciences
  • Dan Demers, Director of National Public Issues, Canadian Cancer Society
  • Manuel Arango, Assistant Director, Government Relations, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
  • Claire Checkland, Policy Analyst, Canadian Cancer Society
  • Cameron Bishop, Director of Government Affairs and Media Relations, The Lung Association