Cumulative Impacts and the US Environmental Health Movement

November 12, 2013
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

This call, hosted by the Cumulative Impacts Working Group, featured Kate Davies, D.Phil, MA, core faculty at the Center for Creative Change at Antioch University Seattle; clinical associate professor at the School of Public Health, University of Washington; and author of The Rise of the U.S. Environmental Health Movement (2013). Dr. Davies explored how the US environmental health movement has addressed cumulative impacts from its historical roots in the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions to the present day. In particular, she discussed some of the movement’s current strategies—how they draw attention to the problems of cumulative impacts and how they can help to prevent them. These strategies include personalizing environmental issues to make them more real and immediate to the public, leveraging the case for precaution, changing the markets for toxic chemicals, and advocating for environmental justice.

Featured Speaker

Kate Davies, D.Phil, MA, has been active on environmental health issues for 35 years in the United States and Canada. She has worked with numerous nongovernmental and governmental organizations including Greenpeace, the Collaborative on Health and the Environment, the Institute for Children’s Environmental Health, the International Joint Commission and the Royal Society of Canada. She is currently core faculty at Antioch University Seattle’s Center for Creative Change and Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington.

This call was moderated by Carolyn Raffensperger, MA, JD, SEHN.