Cumulative Impacts Working Group Strategic Meeting

June 18, 2012
2:00 pm US Eastern Time

The Cumulative Impacts Project, well into its second year, took stock.

We have much to celebrate.

  • The Cumulative Impacts Working Group (CIWG), co-coordinated by the Science and Environmental Health Network (SEHN) and the Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE), held its first organizing call on February 1, 2011 and has since grown to nearly 100 participants. Over the last year, we have held monthly calls with leading researchers, thought leaders and advocates in this budding field. Find links to these information-packed calls, including MP3 audio recordings, by entering, “cumulative impacts working group” in the search slot on the project website’s search page.
  • The website is a gateway to hundreds of documents and links on cumulative impacts at all levels—ecological, community, and individual health. Its unique search system links both problems and solutions at all levels. For example, in the Topical Search box click on “community/environmental justice” and “best practices” and scan more than 90 entries that link the health of individuals, communities, and the natural world.
  • CIWG now offers a weekly summary of recent research and other postings that we don’t want you to miss. Listserv members will receive these automatically.

What’s next?

This 90-minute call was a conversation around 4 questions:

  • What have we each learned in our work on cumulative impacts?
  • What barriers remain to understanding and addressing cumulative impacts?
  • What are the best of the best practices and solutions?
  • Where do we go from here?