The Impact of our 20 Pioneers under 40 in Environmental Public Health

December 12, 2017

Hi there,

I’m Maria, and I joined CHE in April as program manager. I host our popular webinars, and I love working with leading experts in the field to bring you the latest, cutting-edge environmental health science. I’m thrilled to do this work as I’ve seen its impact: during my six years at Toxic-Free Future, where I ran the Toxics Hotline and conducted research on toxic chemicals in everyday products, my colleagues and I continually relied on CHE for the facts we needed to inform and promote our policy platforms. This resulted in state legislation to reduce environmental risks that harm our health. Through this work, I know that CHE is an invaluable link between information and action, and I have only been more convinced of this during my time at CHE.
With attacks on science from so many directions, now is the time to fight back, to spread the information that will drive actions that help turn the tide. CHE’s webinars were already doing this, and this fall we took it to the next level by launching a new series, 20 Pioneers Under 40 in Environmental Public Health. Once a month we highlight a pair of these young and exceptionally talented scientists and advocates, future leaders who are building critical, new knowledge in areas including flame retardants, BPA substitutes, climate change, epigenetics, chemicals in house dust, and disparities in exposure.
When we asked established luminaries in the field to nominate pioneers, we knew we would get an impressive group. But, we have simply been blown away by the quality and diversity of the pioneers’ work and the passion behind it. It’s no surprise that these webinars have been among our best attended, and that we have received volumes of positive feedback.
Thanks to these pioneers—their expertise, their values, their conviction--I feel hopeful and energized about the future, perhaps more than I ever have.
You can help us keep up the momentum by making a tax-deductible contribution today in support of our 20 Pioneers Under 40 in Environmental Public Health series and the creation of other unique webinar series for next year. Every webinar requires research, a nomination process, coordination with speakers and moderators, advertising, and technological management. Together, let’s continue to inspire students and others who are looking for role models. Let’s demonstrate that the future of environmental health science and advocacy is bright and in good hands. Let’s encourage collaborations between scientists in various stages of their careers. Let’s keep paving the path toward the healthier future we know is possible. 
We sincerely appreciate any amount you can give. To share the words of Linda Birnbaum, PhD, director of NIEHS, and one of our nominators for the series:
“I believe that scientists have a responsibility to share their research as often as possible, especially when it relates to public health. These young scientists are doing exciting, innovative work that will influence how we address environmental challenges to our health in the future.”
Please give today, and thank you for being a part of the CHE community.

Warm wishes,


P.S. If you haven’t had the chance to attend our pioneers’ excellent webinars, please check out our playlist on YouTube.

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