CHE's Next Big Project

December 19, 2017

Hello CHE Friend,

My name is Emma, and I am CHE’s new Program Associate. I started with CHE in September and have learned so much in these three short months. I studied environmental health a bit during my MPH program at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, but my main focus was on health promotion and communications. Since starting at CHE, I have being learning all about environmental health science and listening to scientists share their work. And, I have been telling anyone and everyone I know about what I am learning because I believe this is stuff everyone should know. This is why I am so excited about starting Because Health.

The mission of Because Health is to reach my generation with relevant, approachable, shareable environmental health information while inspiring and encouraging them to become environmental health advocates. This is exactly what my training has been preparing me to do. I have studied the best way to reach people with health information in my health promotion classes, and how to turn people into agents of change through my previous work. These ideas are the essence of Because Health. For example, explaining that you can greatly reduce your exposure to lead, pesticides, and flame-retardants by just removing your shoes as you walk in the door. We will share articles, videos, and graphics with more information like this that isn’t scary, provides a clear action, and makes people want to tell others. We will inspire and connect passionate individuals with ways that they can advocate for policy changes in their local communities and at the state and national levels.

I believe we can do it!

That is where you come in. Please make a donation to help us take all the science and knowledge CHE has built over the years and turn it into content for my generation and so that we can build the Because Health website and online community. Your support will go toward gathering the resources to create new stories, build the website, and host events to generate even more buzz and interest.

This is a big undertaking and we need your assistance. Not only do we hope you will help us spread the message about the importance of environmental health, but we need your generous donations to make this project a reality. We hope that you are as excited about this project as we are, and that you can make a donation of any size to help this project to reach as many new supporters and champions as possible.

Thank you,





Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH, CPH

Program Associate

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