CHE Alaska

From Breast Cancer Awareness to Action - Rethink the Pink

August 28, 2019
1:00 pm US Eastern Time


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During this call there was a discussion of the latest science concerning the link between environmental contaminants and breast cancer prevention and information on what you can do to protect health. Karuna Jaggar and Yamini Ranchod of Breast Cancer Action talked about what you can do to prevent breast cancer, and ways people can work together to improve the lives of women at risk as well as those living with breast cancer.

Featured Speakers

Karuna Jaggar joined Breast Cancer Action (BCAction) as Executive Director in early 2011. Karuna brings a lifelong commitment to social justice and a strong background in nonprofit management and growth.

Under her leadership, Breast Cancer Action has grown in size and reach. Building on the strong legacy of BCAction’s founders and past leaders, BCAction is today a leading source of independent information about breast cancer through one-of-a-kind educational materials, internationally acclaimed webinars, and a strong grassroots Community Leaders program. Today BCAction is a national leader in the anti-fracking movement and has grown its Think Before You Pink® campaigns, including the 2014 campaign challenging Susan G. Komen and Baker Hughes’ pink drill bits “for the cure” which was featured on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Karuna’s vision helped guide BCAction’s adoption of a bold new strategic plan in 2014 that made health justice central to the organization’s mission. Karuna serves on the Breast Cancer Research Council of the California Breast Cancer Research Project, helping guide the funding strategy and direct grants to breast cancer research that is innovative, collaborative and responsive to the needs of women living with and at risk of the disease.


Yamini Ranchod is an epidemiologist interested in the social determinants of health. Her research has included work on exposures such as neighborhood health effects, early childhood adversity, diet and physical activity and outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, pregnancy-related and cancer-related outcomes. She received her Bachelor of Science in Economics and Biology and her Doctorate in Epidemiology from the University of Michigan and her Master of Science in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. Yamini completed her post-doctoral training at UC Berkeley.

Yamini was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 31, while completing her Ph.D. After navigating the challenges of a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment at a young age, Yamini connected with individuals and organizations who shared her drive to support and improve the lives of women at risk of and living with breast cancer. She is committed to working with organizations focused on reducing the burden of breast cancer. Yamini is especially interested in the role of the environment on breast cancer risk and disparities in breast cancer risk, treatment, and survival.

This call was hosted by the CHE-Alaska Partnership, which is coordinated by Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT). It was a 60 minute call and was recorded for the call and webinar archive.