EDC Strategies

Glyphosate, Epigenetics and Transgenerational Inheritance of Disease

May 15, 2019
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

A recent study published in Scientific Reports investigated exposure to the herbicide glyphosate in rats. The study found that the exposed rats’ subsequent grand-offspring and un-exposed great grand-offspring had higher rates of disease.  Dr. Eric Nilsson, Research Assistant Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at Washington State University, will discuss what epigenetic mechanisms are and how they are associated with the transgenerational inheritance of susceptibility to disease. He will also highlight the types of diseases that were promoted in the descendants of glyphosate-exposed rats.

Featured Speaker

Eric E. Nilsson, PhD, D.V.M., is a Research Assistant Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. He has broad research interests in generational toxicology, ovarian developmental biology, and reproductive physiology. Dr. Nilsson has worked with Dr. Michael Skinner for many years using genetic, epigenetic and classic physiological approaches to answer research questions. He has more than 50 publications in the area of reproductive biology. Dr. Nilsson has a B.S. in Bacteriology and in Animal Science from the University of Idaho.  He also has a D.V.M. in Veterinary Medicine from Washington State University and a Ph.D. in Zoology (Developmental Biology) from the University of Idaho.

This webinar is one in a monthly series sponsored by the Collaborative on Health and the Environment’s EDC Strategies Partnership. The CHE EDC Strategies Partnership is chaired by Carol Kwiatkowski and Katie Pelch (TEDX), Sharyle Patton (Commonweal Biomonitoring Resource Center), Jerry Heindel (Commonweal's HEEDS), and Genon Jensen (HEAL) and coordinated by Hannah Donart (Collaborative on Health and the Environment, a Commonweal program). To see a full list of past calls and webinars related to EDCs and listen to or view recordings, please visit our partnership page.

This webinar was moderated by Jerry Heindel, PhD, founder and director of Commonweal's Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies (HEEDS). It lasted for 30 minutes and was recorded for our call and webinar archive.