CHE Alaska

Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science - A Conversation with Author Carey Gillam

October 10, 2018
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

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Whitewash Book CoverOn October 10, veteran investigative journalist Carey Gillam discussed her recent book Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science.

In her book, Gillam exposes how Monsanto "whitewashed" the scientific data on the herbicide glyphosate (a key ingredient in Roundup) to validate its safety. We learned how she uncovered a plethora of evidence recovered from corporate and government resources showing the harm of glyphosate on public health and the environment and revealing corporate influence on government agencies.







Featured Speaker

Carey GillamCarey Gillam is a veteran journalist, researcher and writer with more than 25 years experience in the news industry covering corporate America. Since 1998, Gillam's work has focused on digging into the big business of food and agriculture. As a former senior correspondent for Reuters' international news service, and current research director for consumer group U.S. Right to Know, Gillam specializes in finding the story behind the spin; uncovering both the risks and rewards of the evolving new age of agriculture. Gillam's areas of expertise include biotech crop technology, agrichemicals and pesticide product development, and the environmental impacts of American food production. Gillam has been recognized as one of the top journalists in the country covering these issues.


This call was hosted by the CHE-Alaska Partnership, which is coordinated by Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT). It lasted for 60 minutes and was recorded for the call and webinar archive.